Saturday, September 5, 2009

Staff BP

From time to time, a few Cyclones managers have offered to throw the front office staff batting practice (and become staff favorites in the process) -- TJ, Fonzie, and now...Pedro.

Pedro invited us all outside today to embarrass ourselves show off our swings, while hitting coach Jack Voigt looked on (in what had to be agony and disgust).

We all had a great time. Steve and I showcased the left-side infield defense that has people calling us "The Wall" (and by '"people," I mean me and Steve). Speaking of walls (ahem, ahem), I hit a few balls off the big one in left field, but couldn't quite find the pop to put one out. Alexa jumped in the cage in jeans and a polo, smoked a few line drives, and then disappeared back inside. Miggy had a hard time shaking off his late-night salsa-dancing rust and never quite got in the groove. (Hitting, that is. Apparently, his dancing groove was working just fine.) Gary stepped to the plate to his very own theme song after earlier receiving a brand-new nickname. Nicole made her mark as the only Beach Bum willing to wake up before 1pm take a shot at the whole "baseball" thing (and she was pretty good for someone who had to be taught how to put on a glove)! Liz used her unusual combination Jeff Bagwell/Phil Plantier stance. Andrew took off his Rolex in the middle of his round (not sure it helped). Joyce ogled from the stands.

All in all, it was a good day.

Many thanks again to Pedro and Jack for giving us the chance to get out of our offices and get on the field! We truly appreciate it.

-- Dave


Lisa Gav said...

Hmmmm... I thought I knew just about everyone in the Front Office (or at least those in attendance at the games), but who the heck is Miggy?

ps - Thanks to the entire Staff for another great regular season. See you on Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

tonight i was at the last game of the regular season. so we lost, but we're still in the play offs baby! i have been a fan of the cyclones since they've begun. i've also particularly enjoyed the beach bums over the past few years. so tonight when all the bums were thanked for their hard work this year, how come anna wasn't mentioned? ive seen her around a lot longer than any of the others. me and my friends all like her cause she's so personable and fun. so i was BUMMED when she wasn't mentioned. where's the love for the veteran?